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はじめまして、Egoistaです。私たちは「新しい日本酒の楽しみ方」を提案するべく今年の5月に設立しました。 私たちの設立最初の企画がこの<池亀酒造>プロジェクトです。

この企画の発端は 福岡県池亀酒造の「黒麹」で仕込んだお酒にほれ込み、このお酒を「西洋料理と合わせて多くの人に味わってほしい!」と思ったことです。しかしながら、現在の一升瓶や四号瓶のデザインはレストランの雰囲気にそぐわないものが多いのも事実です。 そこで日本酒をおしゃれなブルーのワインボトルにつめ、提供したいと考えました。



かつて福岡県は全国でも3本の指にはいるほどたくさんの日本酒を造っていました。時代とともに日本酒の需要が落ちて生産量は激減しましたが、今でも福岡県は日本酒蔵が 50軒以上集積した全国でも有数の日本酒処です。しかしながら「九州は焼酎」のイメージが定着し、多くの酒蔵が厳しい状況で酒造りを続けています。  

福岡の米作りも同様に厳しい状況です。パンやパスタの増加に伴う米の需要低下は全国共通ですが、コメ農家の後継者不足が他の地域より深刻です。福岡県は自動車やハイテク産業など働き口が豊富なため、農家の若者が農業をやりたがらないのです。現在はまだ 親世代が頑張って米作りを行っていますが、価格の下落により米作りの意欲が低下しています。さらに温暖化の影響で米作りが難しくなり、酒蔵が希望する数量の米が手に入らなくなってきました。これは我々酒蔵にとって危機的状況です。  

私は、九州 福岡の日本酒をもっと知ってもらうために、焼酎の黒こうじ菌を使った日本酒「黒兜」を造りました。目的は、黒こうじ菌のつくるクエン酸でさわやかな酸味をあたえ、フレンチやイタリアンにも負けない今までにない個性的な日本酒をつくること。そして海外で九州の日本酒ブームを起こすこと。  




池亀酒造株式会社 蒲池輝行





2.池亀のお酒に合わせた特別な料理コースで新しい日本酒の楽しみ方を提案するパーティ(※)を企画したい! ※これを「ガラパーティ」と呼びます(以降、リターン内容にて) 。



↑ ※ラベルはイメージです。


久留米藩の師範代で、剣の達人と言われた初代源蔵が、 明治8年に筑後川のほとりに創業した池亀酒造。 源蔵は、進取の精神に富んだ人物で、筑後川の水を使用した新しい醸造法を考案、 養成した杜氏を派遣して筑後地方の酒造りに貢献しました。その気風を受け継ぎ、良き伝統は守りながら常に新しい酒造りに挑戦し、 新鮮な驚きや感動を感じる商品作りに邁進しています。  

現在の池亀酒造の蔵元、蒲池さんはかつて大手酒類メーカーに就職されていました。そこでワインなどの洋酒に関わる仕事に従事した後、大手日本酒メーカーに転職し、焼酎と日本酒の製造に携わり、2006年に実家である池亀酒造に戻ってきました。サラリーマン時代に、洋酒をはじめとした様々な酒類に関わってきたことで、蒲池さんは酸について広い見識を持っており、後にこの経験が活かされることになります。蔵に戻った蒲池さんは、普及酒ばかりではなく、特定名称酒にも力を入れようと考えました。 日本酒で酸と言えば、生もとや山廃に代表される乳酸が代表的ですが、それ以外の手段で酸がある酒の製造を考え、ある日「黒麹」という選択肢に行き着きます。  







元気な酵母で発酵させるため、自社で育てた「自家培養酵母」を主に使用しています。焼酎で使われる黒麹を日本酒(純米吟醸 黒兜)に使用しているのは、全国でもごくわずかです。




1. 香り

猪口をはじめとする日本の伝統的な酒器と比べて、ワイングラスはより繊細な香りまでも感じさせてくれます。これは、ただ嗅いだだけでは分かりづらいかもしれませんが、飲みながら嗅ぐと日本酒の品の良い香りが感じられます。 昔の日本酒は香りが悪いものが多く、香りが籠らないようにするために、猪口のような形状の酒器でいただいていました。しかし近年は杜氏の努力の結果、香りの素晴らしい日本酒が数多く生産されています。そのため、ワイングラスで日本酒の香りを楽しみながら飲むことが新しい楽しみ方と言えるのです。

2. 味

ワインを嗜む方はよくご存知だと思いますが、ワインの香り、味、バランスおよび後味は、それを飲むグラスの形状に影響を受けます。これは当然日本酒にも当てはまります。 ワイングラスでいただく場合、カップ部分の高さやグラスの口径の違いから、口の中への入り方や舌の上の通り方、広がり方などが変わってきます。その結果、甘みや酸味の感じ方が変化します。それが味のバランスや奥行きを左右する重要な要素になるのです。 また、香りを感じながら飲むと、不思議なことに味わいにも変化が生じます。日本酒が本来持つ甘み、旨味、雑味を舌全体で感じながらいただいてください。これまで以上に日本酒の味わいを楽しむことができます。

3. 雰囲気































▼20000円 【レストラン・バーの方向け、限定5個】








・本企画限定ボトル入り日本酒3本、日本酒(大吟醸池亀)1本、プレミアム日本酒1本、日本酒で仕込ん だ梅酒1本

・蔵元お奨めの新酒6本 ※2013年10月より仕込む日本酒です。新酒の発送時期・内容は追って連絡させていただきます。






・蔵元お奨めの新酒8本 ※2013年10月より仕込む日本酒です。発送時期・内容は追って連絡させていただきます。
















Ikekame Shuzo Support Funding


Join  the Program and Support Japanese Sake and Rice Farmers in Kyushu! 

Support this Program for a Japanese Local Sake Brewery with Rewards!


From Kuramoto (Japanese Sake Brewery) Ikekame Shuzo


Ikekame Shuzo was opened as Sake brewery 130 years ago in 1875 by Genzo who was the master swordsman in Kurume Domain. He set the brewery near Chikugo River whose water inspired an innovative brewing style in Chikugo Area and he received the Green Ribbon Medal.  We have succeeded the innovative spirit while maintaining the tradition which earned various awards in sake brewery industry.  


However, under the long term of the severe situation as the market demand for sake rapidly went down and rice farmers have few young successors, we have been facing the real crisis.Kyushu area, which used to be know as one of the top 3 sake production,  is particularly in desperate for young farmers because it is attached to the factories and IT industrial areas. Sake requires specific type of rice which has been damaged by global warming. With your support, our new sake project should work to attract young people to rice farms. 


We are in crisis and we stood up with an innovative idea. Japanese Sake for Italian and French, to cultivate a new market in the world.


“黒兜 Kuro-Kabuto” or black helmet is the new type of Japanese sake brewed by koji-mold which is usually used for shochu (Japanese distilled spirit). Koji-mold makes Kuro-Kabuto unique with fresh and citrus kind of taste, unlike other typical Japanese sake which is rather thick and sweet,  to go well with Italian and French cuisine not only Japanese.


“My ambition is to make our sake popular in the world...” 

“...because I believe the success should attract more young people to the rice farming so our traditional industry can survive”.

“...I dare say this is the only way for us, sake breweries and rice farmers in Fukuoka (in Kyushu), to stay alive. You might say I’m too optimistic but we need to step forward from somewhere.”

“Please support us and join the gala. I’m looking forward to seeing you there so we could discuss the marriage of Italian and Black Helmet while enjoying them. “   


Teruyuki Kamachi,     Ikekame Shuzo Co., Ltd.


【the Fund】


All the proceeds  from this program will be invested into:


・ Bottling 

・ Labeling (including design and print)

・ Cost of the gala

・ Shipment of rewards  to the supporters of this program

・ Other necessary expenditure


Our goal is JPY600,000 and if we could not gain enough supports, all payment will be refunded to you. If it reaches the goal, the promised “rewards” will be sent to you according to how much you donate.

Your fund will be used to operate this support program solely.


This crowdfunding system is operated by Tokyo Calendar, food magazine publisher. 


We sincerely wish you will join this support program. 


【About this Program】


This program is hosted by Egoista who was founded in May 2013  as a Japanese sake consultant in Aoyama, Tokyo. “Ikekame Shuzo Support Funding” is one of our first support programs. 


We fell in love with the taste of their sake which was brewed with black-koji-mold. It goes well not only Japanese or oriental foods but so well with Italian and French. Our project will start with bottling it in the Western design bottles to promote this fabulous sake to the world as the production has been available only in the local area. 


In order to promote  this Kuro-koji-mold Japanese sake our plan was set as below:


1.  Original Wine bottles


To appeal to Western restaurants and wider market, we need to change their concept of Sake so they can experiment fresh and citrus new sake taste without prejudice. 

To promote the new design, we prepared a vote. There will be several wine-like labels and the supporters will vote for one.


2.  Marriage with the sake


To show how this sake goes well with various dishes, we provide a tasting party in Tokyo. Thanks to Wise Table (Co.Ltd) , the party is now to be held at XEX Atago Green Hills, where the finest dining can be enjoyed at their Japanese restaurant, Italian ristorante, or the Bar.


【About Ikekame Shuzo  池亀酒造】


Genzo, who was a swordmaster in Kurume Domain, found a new way to brew sake with water from Chikugo River.  He founded Ikekame Shuzo in 1875 near the river and sent out trained chief brewers to other breweries in the domain to make the special sake the local specialty. 


The innovative manner has been succeeded by the sons and the grandsons while maintaining the good traditions. 


The current owner, Mr. Kamachi, used work for alcoholic beverages manufacturers in Japan involved with wine, shochu (Japanese distilled spirits) and Japanese sake before succeeding Ikekame Shuzo in 2006. His experience with various kinds of drinks trained him for acidity which lead him to a new brewing style. 


【Taste of the Newly Invented Sake】


Usually, Japanese sake gets acidity from lactobacilli produced from fermentation. Mr. Kamachi thought of using “black-koji-mold” which is used for a kind of Shochu and produces fruit acid. The use of the mold gives Japanese sake mild “ginjo*” aroma and clear taste. Without being gaudy, the presence remain freshly.  


Palatable acidity will surround your tongue but it is dry enough so it does not remain tediously on the palate. It will surprise you by giving beautiful marriage with  roasted duck or any dishes with olive oil such as  white fish Carpaccio.


【Water, Rice, Mold, Yeast 】


We carefully select underwater best for sake brewing from Chikugo River. The water is used for all special designation ones as premium sake (e.g. “ginjo”, “junmai” and “hon-jozo”*)

The rice is Yamada Nishiki from Itoshima Island (Fukuoka)  and Yume Ikkon (Fukuoka)

“Black koji-mold” is cultivated by our brewery to keep freshness for better fermentation. Few sake breweries use “black-koji-mold”.


【Why Sake by Wine Glass?】


In Japan, more people enjoy Japanese sake by wine glass because the  wine glasses are designed to produce more aroma and atmosphere. Japanese traditional cups for sake are still good but no need to be limited to so you will have a choice according to your dishes and plates design. 


Japanese sake typically tastes sweet and sticky which could be too heavy for meat or oily dishes. The sake brewed by “black-koji-mold” whose taste reminds you of Riesling with fruity and clear aroma gives you a joy to enjoy with French and Italian dishes.


【What is Ginjo, Junmaishu and Hon-jozo?】


Tokutei Meishoshu or special designation sake Sake is known as premium sake. They are classified by their ingredients, brewing methods and condition. 

All the tokutei meishoshu have to use special rice (higher than grade 3), specified polished rice ratio, specified koji-mold ratio (more than 15% of the total amount of polished rice), grade of aroma. Distilled alcohol can be used in Ginjo-shu and Honjozo-shu but has to be less than 10%. 


【Rewards Programs】


Please understand that shipment of sake is only limited to Japan due to the customs and importexport license issues.

Each bottle contains 720ml. 


▼JPY 2000

・Donation certification card with Kuramoto Logo


▼JPY6000(Sake Plan)

・Donation certification card with Kuramoto Logo

・Two bottles of “Kuro-Kabuto  in the specially designed bottle.

・”A guide to taste sake with Dishes”  (Leaflet) 


▼JPY10, 000 

・Donation certification card with Kuramoto Logo

・Total Five bottles: Two bottles of “Kuro-Kabuto” in specially-designed bottles,  two premium sake, one plum-wine brewed with sake

・”A guide to taste sake with Dishes”  (Leaflet) 

・Reserved seats for the Gala (Up to three. Reservation only: tickets have to be purchased in advance for JPY10,000/person. For the Gala please see the below information


▼JPY15,000 (with gala invitation ticket)

・Donation certification card with Kuramoto Logo

・A ticket to the Gala (for one person)  and two reservation seats for accompanied guests (reservation only and the tickets have to be purchased in advance for 10,000/person. For the Gala please see the below information)

Total Two bottles: One bottle is special premium sake“Daigingyo Ikekame”, and another bottle of your selection at the party from our premium sake.

・”A guide to taste sake with Dishes”  (Leaflet) 


▼JPY 20000 (with gala invitation ticket)

・Donation certification card with Kuramoto Logo

・A ticket to the Gala and two reservation seats for accompanied guests (Up to two can be accompanied whose seats are reserved only and the tickets have to be purchased in advance. 10,000/person. For the Gala please see the below information

・A bottle (750ml) of “Kuro-Kabuto  in the specially designed bottle.

・”A guide to taste sake with Dishes”  (Leaflet) 


▼JPY20000 【Corporate Plan (Limited to five applications)】

・Donation certification card with Kuramoto Logo

・Guaranteed to be featured as an interview article by Tokyo Calendar online magazine.※Limited to restaurants/cafés who deal with Japanese sake only within Kanto area.※Online magazine only. Not for the prints



・Donation certification card with Kuramoto Logo

・Two invitation tickets to the gala 

・Total 12 bottles: three bottles of “Kuro-Kabuto” in the specially-designed bottles, two bottles of premium sake) , one plum-wine brewed with sake in addition to six bottles of newly brewed sake (best recommended by the brewery. Brewing starts in October. Delivery date is subject to inform you later.)

・”A guide to taste sake with Dishes” (Leaflet)


▼JPY100, 000 

・Donation certification card with Kuramoto Logo

・Two invitation tickets to the gala. For the Gala please see the below information

・50% discount for the gala ticket to the accompanied guests (up to two persons)

・15  bottles (750ml each) of “Kuro-Kabuto” (five specially-designed bottles, eight premium sake) and two plum-wine brewed by sake

・A booklet “How to taste with Dishes” 

・Total 24 bottles: Ten bottles of “Kuro-Kabuto”, two bottles of special premium sake (Dai-ginjo Ikekame ) , two bottles of assorted premium sake and two bottles of plum wine brewed with sake in addition to eight bottles of newly brewed sake (best recommended by the brewery. Brewing starts in October. Delivery date is subject to inform you later.)

・”A guide to taste sake with Dishes”  (Leaflet) 



Venue:XEX Atago Green Hills (Tokyo)

Date: 5th of October, 2013.  19:00 – 22:00  (Doors open at 18:30)


・Limited only to the supporters of this programme. 

・The chefs and sommeliers of Wise Table will produce a special dinner for the sake. A full course buffet along with live jazz music.

・Sake tasting with various sake from Ikekame Shuzo. A talk by the representative of Ikekame, Mr. Kamachi.


【Donation from outside of  Japan】


We are sorry but due to the customs and import/export-license issues we are not able to despatch Japanese sake outside of Japan.


Your donation will be appreciated and we will be pleased to send you donation certification and invitation tickets. It is also possible to reserve your sake till you visit Japan.


The payment through this site is limited to the holders of credit card issued in Japan. As the description is in Japanese please refer this site with translation as a guide.


Please contact us from here. Your comments and suggestion would be appreciated to improve our future programs.Thank you for your kind interest in Japanese sake!


Yoshiki Ishizuka


Egoista Co.Ltd.

8F Chuo Coffee Bld., 3-5-9 Kita Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan


PERSONAL RECOMMEND あなたへのおすすめプロジェクト