TAGIRI LIFE取材ツアー#1はじまりました。
🌠1/8 支援をしてくださった方が60人を超えました。みなさま本当にありがとうございます!クラウドファンディングは残りあと30日です。引き続き応援をお願い致します!
🌠12/22 本日支援希望額を達成いたしました!本当に感謝申し上げます。終了まではまだ1ヶ月以上あります。さらなるパワーをこの本に注ぎます!たくさんの方に読んでいただきたいです。引き続き応援をどうぞよろしくお願い致します!
僕は宮崎県串間市市木という限界集落で、TAGIRI HOTEL(タギリホテル)という1日3組のホテルを営んでいるカンマタカヤと申します。昨年の 6月にオープンしたホテルは、使われていなかった温泉宿を紹介していただき、ゼロから仲間とともにリノベーションし生まれ変わらせた小さなホテルです。 その時もクラウドファンディングを行い、オープンに必要な費用を支援していただきました。ご支援ご協力いただいた皆様には、この場を借りてもう一度お礼を申し上げたいと思います。
TAGIRI HOTELを仲間たちとクリエイトし、出来た空間をお客様と共有し、さらに創り上げていく。この1年はそんな時間だったと思います。そしてこの次に、僕は何を創っていこうかとずっと考えていました。
We would like to publish a book produced by TAGIRI HOTEL. TAGIRI HOTEL is a renovated hotel located in one of the marginal villages in Miyazaki prefecture and takes three pairs of guests a day. The book will be about “Tips for heart-boiling life”, a creative result of fusion of relationships with families and friends.
Hello, everyone. I’m Takaya Kamma. I’m managing a hotel called TAGIRI HOTEL located in Ichiki, one of the marginal villages in Kusama City, Miyazaki Prefecture. (Miyazaki Prefecture is located on the eastern coast of the island of Kyushu.)We opened our hotel June last year and we receive three pairs of guests a day. TAGIRI HOTEL is a unique hotel. We created this hotel from zero with a team of friends by renovating a former hot spring Inn which had been closed for years. At that time, we organized the crowdfunding in order to gather money that was necessary for the opening and we received much needed support. Here, we would like to thank everyone who supported us.
This past year has been a time of creating -creating TAGIRI HOTEL with friends and sharing it with our customers, and creating it further. And I have been thinking what to create next all these times.
Searching for a true meaning of “abundance”
I live in Ichiki, Miyazaki Prefecture. I have a family, my wife and three daughters, 6 years old, 3 years old and 1 year old. We moved in here from Kamogawa, Chiba Prefecture after the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011. Since then we have been building LIFE with friends. We live our humble but abundant life. We eat delicious meals every day, have our friends’ visits, and have time with our customers at our hotel and the cafe… But I have been thinking about something.
What is the true meaning of “abundance” today?
People say our life is more abundant now compared to before. But the number of people who have concern about their life has not been any less. I feel it here in Ichiki, too as I often meet people like that.
I personally feel my life is abundant, but I can’t give answers to people with such concerns, because it’s my own personal reflection. What I can do though, is to think about the true meaning of “abundant life” together.
I myself have searched for the answer to this question for a long time. I haven’t found the complete answer yet, but I wanted to write about my own searching path and share with everyone.
In my search for the true abundance, I have gradually seen that what we need the most is “YUGOU (fusion)” with myself, my families and friends as well as with people who I am going to meet with. For the last few years my YUGOU with others have resulted in some concrete forms and they all lead to my abundant life.
一人っ子の環境で育ち、水と向き合ってきた僕でしたが、「ひとりの僕」から「仲間との関係」そして「家 族という集合体」への流れは自分の人生の中で大きな変化でした。
赤の他人の女性と出会い、交わり、家族となる。 それは僕にとって【ユウゴウ(融合)】という関係性の飛躍でした。
New life given birth by “YUGOU” (fusion of relationships)
I was a single child in my family and spent a lot of time alone in the sea growing up. So it was a big change in my life from being “me alone” to “with friends” and to “family”.
まずは、彼女と二人でもらった VW バスで全国を旅してグッと来る場所を見つけ、何もない所から試行錯誤で自分の暮らしを創ってみることにしました。ライフライン無し、テント二張りからはじめました。
Meeting with a girl, a stranger at first, building a relationship with her and becoming a family…
It was a “YUGOU” (fusion of relationships), a leap of my relationship with others.
Our first creation together was LIFE, which was a whole new value and a new space.
Before that time my life was self-centered so I never had to ask myself where to live, what to do or where to live.
We started out by travelling the country on our VW bus to find the place that spoke to our hearts, deciding to try making our life from nothing but two tents through trial and error.
その形が、5年暮らした LOVE&RICE FIELDという何だか分からない一応暮らしのようなものになりました。創っている時間は、創る楽しみや新たなことを知るドキドキ感でなんとも言えない高揚感がありました。気持ちは、間違いなくタギッテいました。
And that resulted in “LOVE &RICE FIELD” we lived for 5 years. It was a kind of life style we are not sure how to describe exactly, but anyway it was one kind of LIFE. During the time of creating “LOVE & RICE FIELD”, we found much excitement in making new things and acquiring new knowledge. Our hearts were definitely boiling.
世の中には様々な人がいて、やりたいことが皆違って、それぞれの道を築いている。 僕にできないことを、僕以外の人がやっている。
家族が住む家作りからはじまり、B&B、Cafe10、そして TAGIRI HOTEL。家族も5人になり、暮らしを創る仲間も増えました。
Then I started understanding different things.
There are all kinds of people in this world and they all have different things they want to do and each person builds his/her own path. There are things I can’t do but somebody else can do.
If we can create LIFE together through YUGOU, we will be able to create much greater LIFE than if I work alone!
After the Great East Japan Earthquake, moved our field to Miyazaki and started building our life from zero again.
We built our family house first and then B&B, and then Cafe10, and then TAGIRI HOTEL. Our family increased along the way from a family of two to five and we met more friends to create LIFE with.
So my life I previously lived alone has been enriched by meeting others. My family, friends, and people I met for the first time, those I haven’t met but going to meet… I feel I’m lucky to be able to build LIFE with everyone. And that’s how I started thinking about putting these indescribable happiness and LIFE together in a form of a “Book”.
The place I first learned about “abundance”.
It was when I was touring the surfing competitions and going to different countries that I visited Byron Bay in Australia.
Byron Bay is a small coastal town in the southeastern Australian state of New South Wales and is a famous surfing town. It was also where people who pursued their lifestyle, so called hippies lived.
既存の現代社会のルールを否定し、Back to natureを理想とする考え方です。
Their idea of life was being away from the existing rules of society and going back to the nature. I received an instant influence from Byron Bay’s atmosphere and culture. Organic and slow life, Yoga, Cafe, Art etc…
Everything was fresh and exciting for me. I felt their level of “abundance” was really high. And I decided that I wanted to start the same thing in Japan although that kind of life wasn’t broadly known at that time.
Hippie movement in the 70 s has evolved and changed its form. It’s a new form which everything from right to left, from top to bottom can blend into. It’s a form of YUGOU with the present society.
Their world surpasses the label “hippie” or “wealthy” and it blends in all sorts of elements in a great balance in this ever changing society. Their lifestyle is sophisticated, cool and warm.
The term “hippy” can be misunderstood in Japan since the image of “hippie” is so fixed, and that’s the difficult part to break.
The reason for choosing a form of “Book”
The reason why I want to choose this media, “Book”, is I like its physical presence.
I try surrounding myself with things I like and I pick things I like, because I like to feel their real presence.
It is a digital society we live in, but if you have a book beside you and enjoy the time while flipping pages, it will be a time of comfort, I think.
そうするとこの本は活きる力をまとっていきます。 そのエネルギーのかたまりをいつも隣に置き、そこから力を得れるはずだと感じています。
この本は作者のパウロ・コエーリ ョによってきっとポジティブなエネルギーが入っていたに違いありません。
I want to put down all the positive stuff in this book. So that it will bring power for living. I believe you can receive that power from here.
By the way, the book you see in the photo above is the book I had beside me in the time of a setback as a surfer. This book titled “The Alchemist” gave me power to bounce back. I believe it must be the positive energy poured by its author Paulo Coelho.
1つ目は、激する気持ちが盛んにわき起こる。わき上がる。湯が煮え立つというような「熱い!」イメー ジ。
今回は「豊かさ」と「暮らし」をそこに重ねたタイトルをメンバーの宇野実樹が考えました。「心が滾る豊かな暮らしのヒント」を込めた「TAGIRI LIFE」です。
Title of the book will be 【TAGIRI LIFE】
The Japanese word “TAGIRU” has two meanings.
The first meaning is “hot” as in swelling of intense feeling or in boiling of water.
The second meaning is just the opposite, “cool” as in swirling and gushing water.
We also have two elements “heart “and “life” in this book since it’s about tips for heart-boiling life. And that’s how Miki Uno, one of our team members came up with the book title “TAGIRI LIFE”.
We aim for a high quality book with its photos, contents, and editing.
We want to make a kind of book that will not be a so-called lifestyle book, but a book that you would want to keep beside you for a long time and come back to read from time to time, a kind of book that you feel enriched after reading.
今回のTAGIRI LIFE の編集メンバーは僕を入れて5名。
TAGIRI HOTELのスタートアップにも関わっているメンバーで、彼らとのユウゴウが無ければ、この本を創ろうという気持ちにもなりませんでしたし、完成もしないと思います。
The Editorial Team of TAGIRI LIFE
The editorial team has five members including myself. They are also starting-up members of TAGIRI HOTEL. I wouldn’t have thought about making this book without experiencing “YUGOU” with them. This book will not be complete without them, either.
私は、約3年前TAGIRI HOTEL のあるここ市木に引っ越して来ました。きっかけは当時、カンマくんが運営していた自主保育型の幼稚園を引き継ぎたいと私が申し出たことでした。 移住前に始めたyogaの先生が、カンマ夫妻と深い繋がりを持った友人でした。彼女がカンマくんと繋がり、私が彼女と繋がり…そして時間を経て、それは私とカンマくんを繋げました。出会ってからお互いに様々な変化を経て、今度は「出版」という形で共に動き出しました。 人と人とが出会い繋がり、何かを生み出していくように、様々なものとの融合によって創られていく新しい世界を、ここで出会った仲間たちと共に綴っていきたいと思います。
Ai NAKAMURA / Writer
Ai resided in various places both in Japan and in overseas and became a single mother at the age of 25. She was a primary school teacher before moving to Ichiki. Meeting with Takaya Kamma opened up the opportunity for the moving. Now as a housewife in a family of four, she is busy writing as well as doing needlework using materials such as cloths and yarn.
I moved to Ichiki about three years ago. The initial reason for the moving was because I had offered to succeed the kindergarten which Takaya was running at that time. My yoga instructor had been a good friend with Takaya and his wife. So that’s how she led me to connect with Takaya. Since our first meeting, both Takaya and I have gone through various changes in life and now we are starting to work together in this new “publishing” project. Just as how people meet and create things together by having connection, I would like to write with our teammates I met here in Ichiki about the new life created by the YUGOU process with all kinds of things.
野井孝俊 | アートディレクター
宮崎県出身。大学では民俗学・文化人類学を学ぶが、大学在学中にデジタルデザインの世界に出会いデザイナーを目指す。 1999年より東京にてフリーランスのグラフィックデザイナーとして活動。紙媒体・WEB・映像など横断的に扱いながら、大小さまざまな案件を手がける。 2015年4月活動拠点を東京から故郷である宮崎に移転。友人であるカンマくんの呼びかけでTAGIRI HOTELの立ち上げにデザイナーとして関わる。
もともと宮崎市の出身で宮崎県人なのですが、東京で長くグラフィックデザイナーをやっていました。家族の事情により2年ほど前に帰郷し、東京時代にヨガの友人を通じて知り合ったカンマくんと再会しました。その頃からTAGIRI HOTELのたち上げに関わり、ロゴデザインから様々な印刷物などの制作に継続的に関わっています。その過程でとても多くの素敵な仲間たちと出会い、今も世界が少しずつ広がっています。
TAGIRI HOTELとその地域「市木」は不思議なエネルギーに溢れた場所で、その場所に関わっていることをとても嬉しく思っています。
そして今回「TAGIRI LIFE」という新しいメディアを通して、TAGIRIのスピリットをみんなと共有したいと思っています。
Toshiro NOI / Art Director
Noi was born and grew up in Miyazaki. During his University study, Noi initially majored in Ethnological/ Anthropological study, but having an encouter with Degital design changed his direction to be a designer. He started working in Tokyo as a freelance graphic designer in 1999 and he has been working for various cases using different mediums such as printing, web, and visual images in a cross-sectoral manner. Noi moved his base from Tokyo to his hometwn Miyazaki in April 2015 and was led to participate in TAGIRI HOTEL’s start-up project as a designer by his friend Takaya.
I’m Toshiro, the Art Director of TAGIRI LIFE.I’m originally from Miyazaki Prefecture, but I had lived and worked in Tokyo for many years as a graphic designer. I came back to Miyazaki about 2 years ago with my family and made my reunion with Mr. Kamma whom I had made acquaintance with through my yoga friends during my time in Tokyo.
I became one of the start-up members for opening TAGIRI HOTEL and since then I have been participating in production projects from designing logo to printing. I have met many wonderful people along the way and my world is broadened little by little thanks to them, even now. TAGIRI HOTEL and its surrounding Ichiki area are filled with special energy. I am glad to be a part of this place.
And I hope to share TAGIRI spirit with everyone through this new TAGIRI LIFE.
黒木康太 | カメラマン
Kota KUROKI / Photographer
Kota had been a radiological technologist and worked in hospitals in Miyazaki before becoming a photographer in his late 20s. After working in aratana inc., he opened his own photo studio. Now he works mainly in Miyazaki as a freelance photographer.
I’m Kota Kuroki. I’m a photographer and I will take all photos for TAGIRI LIFE. Before becoming a photographer, I was a radiological technologist and worked in hospitals helping patients in their recovery to their original life.
After working for 10 years, I started having this desire that I want to use my energy to assist people to have more positive energy for living everyday life feeling more enriched. I started searching for a way of work that enables me to create as well as to stand on my own feet and so ended up in photography. In my search for an enriched life, I met Mr. Kamma who was passionately realizing my ideal way of life.
I will take 2D photos for this book, focusing on “boiling energy for life” and “Life style called YUGOU”. I hope you can feel boiling passion from these photos. I also hope that this publication will become a trigger for somebody’s enriched life or for the future hope and that it will fuse into their life or become a source of their passion.
宇野実樹 | 統括プロデューサー
カンマくんと出会ったのはまだ2年ほど前。彼が創ったCafe10に友人に連れてってもらいそこで出会いました。Cafe10の雰囲気や彼の豊かな暮らしに完全にノックアウトされた私は、そこからほどなくして宮崎に通いはじめました。カンマくんはTAGIRI HOTELを創り始めたばかり。その夢に加担したくなって、協力を申し出ました。
この本の大きなテーマである「豊かさとは何か」ということは自分自身まだ明確にわかったとは言えません。ただ、そんなことをぼんやりと考えたり、ビジネスモードから離れシンプルな暮らしを限界集落で経験したりすることで、少しだけ「豊かさ」に近づいている気がします。それが私の「TAGIRI LIFE」なのかもしれません。
Miki UNO / General Producer
Founded Krawl Co. ltd in 2014 after working in McCann Erickson Japan, Dentsu and Tsunagu. Her main mission is to solve problems for companies by Advertising and Branding Strategies. In recent years she actively designs brand communication strategies for local companies and governments.
My first encounter with Takaya was about two years ago when one of my friends took me to his cafe, Cafe10. I was totally knocked out by the atmosphere of Cafe10 and started visiting often. Takaya was starting to create TAGIRI HOTEL. I wanted to join in his dream and so offered my help. I’m based in Tokyo, but I think I can play a bridging role between Miyazaki and Tokyo by passing Tokyo energy to Miyazaki friends while passing their message of LIFE to people in Tokyo. That may be one of the possibilities of my YUGOU for now.
I don’t know the answer to the theme of this book, “What is the true meaning of abundance?, myself, yet.But I feel like I’m getting a little closer to that “abundance” by thinking about it and experiencing a simpler life in Ichiki while switching off my business mode. That may be my TAGIRI LIFE.
I’ve received encouraging messages from two people who I have received an influence.
I would like to leave their messages here to show my gratitude to them.
株式会社プフラ 代表取締役、ビストロ「aruru」「urura」オーナーシェフ
Message ① / Taro YAMAMOTO
puhura Inc. CEO/ Bistro 「aruru」「urura」Owner chef
After graduating from the Architectural course in Tama Art University, Taro went on working in the construction company before stepping into the world of cooking. After serving an apprenticeship at an Italian and a French restaurant, he became an independent chef in 2011. Currently, Taro manages six restaurants; Bistro 「aruru」「urura」in Shoto・Shibuya, a Flower, clothing and goods shop「pivoine」in Tomigaya, café and goods shop 「mimet」and a Vietnamese restaurant 「yoyonam」in Yoyogi Koen, Café 「Åre」in Miyashita Koen in Shibuya. He designs the whole project from designing the shop to the menu to express his unique interpretation of the world. He also actively works as a restaurant consultant.
今回のTAGIRI LIFEは、与えられた選択肢を選ぶのでなく、自らの豊かな生活を切り開いていくカンマくんとその家族や仲間の姿(生き方)は多くの人の生きるヒントになることと思います。僕自身のヒントにもきっとなると思います。楽しみにしています。
Hello, I’m Taro Yamamoto. I see things in common between what I create in Tokyo and what Takaya and his mates create in Miyazaki.
It’s about “Giving a light” to things that have become obsolete or unwanted.
It’s the marginal village for Takaya while it’s desolate old houses for me. We both highlight what many people regard unnecessary in the consumer society or as a result of the concentration in cities and we are given LIFE with families and mates in return. And that leads to miraculous encounters of our guests and staffs who are led to that spotlight by their “strong feeling” or “not-so-strong reason” and forms connections among them. Surely all the right business ingredients are essential, but true connection cannot be made without one’s strong sense of hospitality. I feel this sense of hospitality in Takaya.
We also share the same attitude that we are honest to “my way of life at that moment” and realize it each time by our own hands. We make our dreams come true. I publicly declared “I want to make my hobby my work” and I did make food, alcohol, architecture, interior antiques, clothing and people’s life into my business. I choose to almost get rid of the line between my work and private, welcome our guests like families, entertain them and communicate with them. Seeing their satisfaction and delight is the source of my energy and joy of living. We are both expressionists. We both had ability to carry out, to express, to relate and to brand it. We told our family (mates) about it, gained empathy from our guests and made it our living.
One of the things Takaya has been doing and I haven’t done is to dig out charms of marginal villages and local areas with shrinking population and to generate living. ( I will give myself 5 years to achieve this) I hope I can serve in the background as a liaison with such areas all around Japan in order to kindle a light in them. With Takaya! I would like to find out about the truly abundant life permanently by respecting the land, co-existing with the nature, and respecting the tradition. I think I need to have more connections with Takaya and the team so that I can responsibly play such a role.
TAGIRI LIFE will surely be a great hint for many people for their living as they read about the way of life of Takaya and his family and friends. They choose to build their new lives by their own, instead of choosing from the existing choices. It will give me some clues for my life, too. I look forward to reading it.
株式会社キャンバス代表取締役 コミュニケーションデザイナー・コミュニティープロデューサー・ブランドディレクター・プロジェクトマネージャー。
山口県下関市生まれ、愛知県育ち。 1997年関西学院大学経済学部卒業後、(株)博報堂入社。 2014年3月末に退職するまで17年間、アカウントプロデュース職として、大中小様々なクライアントの広告・事業展開を手がける。 その後独立起業し、雑誌「CANVAS」を発行。各種ブランドやクリエイティブのディレクション、新しいコミュニティーのプロデュースなどに携わる。2015年1月に東京を離れ、宮崎へ移住。その夏よりAOSHIMA BEACH PARKの統括プロデューサーを務め、2017年夏にはTHE BEACH BURGER HOUSEを統括ディレクターとしてオープンさせる。 現在は、AOSHIMA BEACH VILLAGEプロジェクトが遂行中。
Message ②/ Hideo MIYAHARA
CANVAS Inc. CEO, Communication Designer・Community Producer, Brand Director, Project Manager
Hideo was born in Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi Prefecture and grew up in Aichi Prefecture. After graduating from the Bachelor of Economic in KWANSEI GAKUIN University in 1997, Hideo worked in HAKUHODO Inc. He was an account producer and produced various advertisements for different sizes of corporations and companies. He also helped in their business development. He worked there for 17 years till his resignation at the end of March 2014. After that he founded his own business and started publishing the magazine CANVAS. Hideo currently engages in various branding strategies as well as in new community production. He moved his base from Tokyo to Miyazaki in January 2015. He’s been a General Producer at AOSHIMA BEACH PARK since summer 2015 and opened THE BEACH BURGER HOUSE in 2017 as a General Director. He is currently working on AOSHIMA BEACH VILLAGE project.
最初聞いた時は反対でした笑。なぜなら、彼の魅力は、LIVE(ライブ)。『生』にあるから。 それが本という体裁で、どこまで何が伝わるんだろうか?と。 でも、今は、この本により、カンマタカヤという人間や生き方が、直接会えない方々にまで届けばいいなあって、ココロよりの気持ちです。これで僕の仲間をわざわざTAGIRI HOTELまで連れて行かなくても、彼の紹介が少しは、できそうです笑
僕が思う豊かな暮らしとは、当たり前を当たり前と思わず、『有難い(ありがたい)』と思える日々の連続。 家族が居て、自然(僕にとっては特に、海)があって、食があって、友がいて、仕(える)事もある。それらが有ることの幸せを感じられ、健康に生かされていること。そんな本質的なことを正確に追求できる暮らしこそ豊かだと感じてます。
僕も一読者としてTAGIRI LIFEをとても楽しみにしてるし、この本で、彼や彼の生き様の新しい側面を少しでも知れたらいいし、自分自身のこれからの生き方について、新しい気づきや刺激をもらえたら、って思ってます。僕はむしろ、この本に応援される側だと思います笑。
Thinking about it, it is a natural flow that Takaya is publishing a book.
I was opposed to the idea at first since I thought his strength is in LIVE, in action. I was questioning what kind of message the media like a book could deliver to what extent. But now I sincerely hope this book can deliver Takaya Kamma and his way of life to those who he can’t meet directly. It will at least help me to introduce him to my friends without having to bring them there in TAGIRI HOTEL.
My idea of an abundant life is a continuation of everyday life where you do not take things for granted but live in gratitude- Gratitude towards having families, being surrounded by nature (especially the sea for me)having food to eat, friends to be with and work to serve in and then being alive in good health. I think being able to pursue substantial quality of life as these in itself is an abundant life.
I look forward to reading TAGIRI LIFE as a reader and hope to know more about Takaya and new aspects of his life from this book. I also hope to receive new inspiration and awareness for my own life from here onward so that I can bring those discoveries to my next new action. I hope I can be someone who can give inspiration to Takaya in return, too.
TAGIRI LIFEの制作費、印刷費などに使わせていただきたいと思っています。
本作りは、初めての試みになりますが、今後 TAGIRI出版(仮名)から様々な本を出すという構想もあります。
How the funded money will be spent
We have set the crowdfunding goal at 1,000,000 yen. It will be used for contents gathering, editing, printing, publication events for TAGIRI LIFE etc.
This book will not be just about my story, but also about people who influenced my life, those whom I respect for creating their unique way of life. I would like to visit them and listen to their life story. We’ll need to travel around Japan, I think. The plan is we will make two trips in between the end of January to March.
We value “YUGOU” and “quality” in our creating process, because it’s the foundation for all our works.We create with our own hands using what we learnt from our YUGOU with others until we are entirely satisfied.
Where do we bring our book to publish?
We want to publish it ourselves, instead of going through another publisher.
It’s our first attempt to publish a book, but we already have other ideas for books to be published from TAGIRI Publishing (a tentative name), one of which being a recipe book of my wife’s vegan cakes which she makes at Cafe10. I also want to publish books for many creators around me.
My wish is all these will lead to the exciting future of our children.
カンマタカヤ&TAGIRI LIFE 編集部
We want many people to know through our book that everyone can create his/her abundant life. It is just one of the many ways, but we hope to show our LIFE as an example.
I’m sure it will sooth your heart after reading and give you a starting point for your own search for an abundant life.Please help us in our book making. Please join us in this, so that our book will have more energy. We want to go further to find a new form of LIFE together with you! Thank you for your support.
Takaya KAMMA & TAGIRI LIFE Editorial Team